- well , this post I got to write about my interact life ! ♥
( serach from internet =D )
- About Rotary
Rotary International is a worldwide
service organization for business
and professional people, with more
than 1.2 million members
in over 32,000 Rotary clubs.
- About Interact
Interact is a service club for youth
ages 14-18. Clubs benefit from
sponsorship by individual Rotary
clubs, which provide support
and guidance.
Interact has a membership of over 250,000 youth
in more than 11,000 clubs worldwide. It’s one of
Rotary’s fastest growing programs.
Interact clubs are self-governing and selfsupporting and can be either school or
community based.
Interact’s name is a combination of the words
international and action. With clubs in over 120
countries and geographical areas, Interact is truly
an international phenomenon.
Interact’s global youth network is dedicated to
community and international service. Every
Interact club project, great or small, has a lasting
impact on society worldwide.
Brazil, India, the Philippines, and the United
States boast the highest number of Interact clubs.
♥ our school's interact song ♥
Oh, let the hands of friendship,
be stretched across the sea,
May love and understanding,
prevail in one and all,
may brothers come to brothers,
to answer duty's call.
We're faithful interactors,
prepared to play our part,
to serve and love the needy,
with an understanding heart.
When nations join with nations,
to build a brand new world,
thus then the heart of children,
shall sing the song of mirth.
Let not your feet be lagging,
but come and join our throng,
let's fill this world together,
with friendship's happy song.
to be mankind together,
in one fraternity.
prevail in one and all,
may brothers come to brothers,
to answer duty's call.
We're faithful interactors,
prepared to play our part,
to serve and love the needy,
with an understanding heart.
When nations join with nations,
to build a brand new world,
thus then the heart of children,
shall sing the song of mirth.
Let not your feet be lagging,
but come and join our throng,
let's fill this world together,
with friendship's happy song.
- ok , I'll continue my post with chinese xD
我记得我从小学就听说了interact club (很好玩)
从那时就‘发誓’上中学一定要进这个club xD
然后就很幸运的Form 1就进了interact club (当时听说Form2才可以进) =\
每一个activity都抢着要去 (不像现在的members啊 =\)
每一个activity都抢着要去 (
还记得我们第一次参加canteen day
超兴奋 !! (夸张)
现在想起真有够傻 ! hahaa ! =D
那年的installation night 也超经典!! hahaa (its a secret..)
Form2 那年的也是差不多
毕竟我们还是小member =)
超兴奋 !! (夸张)
现在想起真有够傻 ! hahaa ! =D
那年的installation night 也超经典!! hahaa (its a secret..)
Form2 那年的也是差不多
毕竟我们还是小member =)
♥ Eatathon Day 2008 ♥
hahaa , feel scary please scroll down =)
♥ Installation Night 2008 ♥
Form3 就重要一点了 xD
Both of us are flower girls :o
♥ Installation Night 2009 ♥
oklah, 我真的忘记很多以前的
所以谈谈Form4 吧
the most important and interesting year ! ♥
也是我们升commitee 的一年=)
- 这是在太平 可是他们是香港人!! ♥
我们好幸运 玩得好开心 ♥
虽然有点鸡同鸭讲 可是他们太可爱 太friendly了 !!
这个是我们去burmese pool 拾垃圾
不要以为很肮脏 看到我们的笑容了吗 我们为自己感到骄傲 ♥
重点: 有外国人 !! xD
we are the best !! ^^v

I love this !! peace ♥
看到那个帅哥外国人了吗 ? xD
好可爱好高!! ♥
p.s : 有外国人我们拾得好开心? xD
♥.♥ 谢谢偷拍我们的人 :O

这是我们去burmese pool 拾垃圾后的一个fellowship dinner
大概是庆祝我们拾垃圾的 hahaa ♥
这个好像是三间学校interact 的一个meeting ♥
这个就是meeting 后晚上的一个dinner ♥
(有机会签名 xD )
这个就是去semangat maju 义卖 ♥
这个就是scout 邀请我们去的 campfire ♥
(走那个...超恐怖) =\
♥ K.E school's Installation night 2010 ♥
♥ Darul Ridzuan's Leo Club installation night 2010 ♥
♥ 当然少不了我们的installation night 2010 !! ♥
Well Done ! xD
♥ 2010 年 最后一个activity ! ♥
想知道更多关于conference [click here ]
还有很多interact club举办的活动
可是没有照片show出来 =p
很快的 一年过去了
我们也辞职啦 ='D
希望interact club越来越好
♥ 我爱interact club!! ♥